The Evil Dong

One summer, when I was a naive little kid without a care in the world, I sat at my computer doing normal things. My friend was over, and she wanted to show me something called "Bonzi Buddy". I didn't trust it at all.
"But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" screamed my "friend" ButtholesMcGee
"Because I don't want to download Bonzi Buddy! It's a virus!" I yelled back
"But you have Panda Antivirus!"
"At lunch I'll give you my candybarr."
I quickly downloaded Bonzi Buddy from AngelFire as Buttholes told me to do, and doible clicked on the little monkey icon.
"Hello! I am Bonzi!" Said the purple monkey.
"This thing is already a piece of shit." I muttered
"You little shit nub, what the fuck did you call me?" Said Bonzi.
I was shocked. How could Bonzi say something like that?
"I am here to avenge my brother, who was killed by Expand Dong."
Bonzi buddy got a knife.
"I am the Dong."
And then he killed Buttholes which i was perfectly okay with the end.